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If you only visit one blog archives this summer, make it the April 2003 archives. Dave talked about the rising popularity of weblogs and pointed out a Washington Post TFA article. Jeff gave a much-needed update on AOL, websites and TV shows. Dave was excited about Hotlanta and visited his future educational institution, Portfolio Center. Dave then launched his class website, Northeast Island and watched the movie Bulletproof Monk with Andrew. Don remembered the infamous "shoryuken incident". Dave wrote the defninitive Summer 2003 Movie Guide. Finally, the movie Ladder 49 was filming a block away from Dave, so he wrote about it not once, but twice (Jeff added his two cents as well).
nice way to spend an afternoon
Our neighbor Jesse has a house directly across the street from St. Michael's church, the filming site for the movie Ladder 49 yesterday. So I got past "security" (short guy with glasses, wielding a walkie-talkie with his arms crossed) by saying I lived with Jesse (Tammer gave the guy an "okay" sign), and proceeded to walk past a small crowd directly onto the set. We stayed for about an hour, and it was freakin' awesome. I watched five takes of a funeral procession scene. Hundreds of firefighters (I'm guessing that they were real Baltimore firefighters and not actors) surrounded the church and crowded onto several fire trucks. After the director's motivating "It's a funeral, look somber" command to the extras, a line of firefighters started slowly walking out of the church. Joaquin Phoenix (Gladiator) led the pack, holding a hat. Then came the pallbearers with the casket, and then...Travolta. I triumphantly sipped my Boddingtons from Jesse's porch and resisted all urges to run out and get my Battlefield Earth en espanol tape signed. It was a pretty cool experience actually being on the set, watching the camera crane in for an overhead shot as we looked over shoulders at video editing screens. Oh, and they plucked all the leaves off of the trees in front of the church - this was a winter scene. They actually stopped once in mid-take because the sun had come out, so production was halted until it was covered by clouds again.
I'm excited to say that Northeast Island is going really well. I'm getting rocked, however, in Vocabulary Video Games. I started to get a little too cocky today and had the students pick which Super Smash Bros. character I would play as. Suffice to say, Jigglypuff just doesn't bring his A-game. With me losing in video games and Ruben in the bottom two tonight, you would think the world has gone mad. "Meet Me In Margaritaville" (new Jimmy Buffet album)
Okay Samurai Multimedia is Dave Werner's personal site. I'm currently working at Minor Studios in San Francisco. Thanks for visiting! (more...)
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Lars Amhoff: Kinkyform Design
Colin Anawaty: Cubed Companies
Chuck Anderson: NoPattern
Haik Avanian: HaikAvanian.com
James Bailey: The Kingdom of Sad Machines
Ben Barry: CarbonFour / Forced Connections
Dimitry Bentsionov: Arthero
Joshua Blankenship: JoshuaBlankenship.com
Casey Britt: CaseyBritt.com
Duncan Brook: Superfreaky Memories
Matthew Burtner: Burtner.net
Jeff Chin: JeffChin.com
Mary Campbell: Mary Campbell Design
Sarah Coffman: Minus Five
John Contino: drawings&co
Angie Cosimano: Angie Unit
Chris and Linda Doherty: Citizen Studio
Anne Elser: Annepages
Neil Epstein: Mediafactured
Bjorn Fagerholm: 3jorn
Dave Foster: Dave the Designer
Justin Genovese: JustinGenovese.com
J Grossen: Sugarcoma Labs
Audrey Gould: Aud's Blog
Greg Hackett: GregHackett.com
Sam Harrison: Zingzone
Todd Hammell: Solid Colors
Leon Henderson: LHJ Photo
Howard Hill: Fascination Streak
Peter Hobbs: Peter Hobbs Photography
Matt Ipcar: Ipcar Design
Michael Johnson: Michael J Rox
Melissa Jun: MelissaJun.com
Jiae Kim: Theme magazine
Zack Klein: ZackKlein.com
Katie Kosma: Flying Conundrum
Peter Lada: Proxima Labs
Josh Levin: Nothing Learned
Larry Luk: Epidemik Coalition
Mike Mates: Urban Influence
Alison Matheny: Life of a Harpy
Turi McKinley: Turi Travels
Alaa-Eddine Mendili: Furax
John Nack: John Nack on Adobe
Allen Orr: Anthem In
Scott Paterson: sgp7
Joe Peng: MacConcierge
Paavo Perkele: Astudios
Brian Perozo: Ephekto
Jason Puckett: Everyday Puck
Kate Ranson-Walsh: Thinkradical
Tania Rochelle: Stone's Colossal Dream
Angela Sailo: Peanut Butter Toast
Mohit SantRam: Santram.net
Dan Savage: Something Savage
Kevin Scarbrough: Thin Black Glasses
Scott Schiller: Schillmania
Jason Severs: JasonSevers.com
Anthony Sheret: Work By Lunch
Nick Skyles: Boats and Stars
Sujay Thomas: iSujay
Joe Tobens: JospehTobens.com
David Ulevitch: Substantiated.info
John Verhine: Verhine.com
Armin Vit: Under Consideration
Ian Wharton: IanWharton.com
Roger Wong: One Great Monkey
Clay Yount: Rob and Elliot Comics
Jack Zerby: Jack Zerby Music