9.3.01 ...this previous summer I went to Disneyworld for two weeks. Yes, you read that correctly, two weeks. I rode every ride a million times; it was great. We also went to Universal Studios Orlando so by sumemr's end I had definitely reached my amusement park saturation point. At least it gave me a few ideas for comics, including creating the character of Bagdaddy.


9.5.01 ...when I went to Disney Studios, I was picked to be an extra for the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular. I got to shake Indy's hand and cheer him on in the background...my life can only go downhill from there. But I had to sign a waiver before going on, which basically washed Disney's hands clean if I happened to step on a spike trap or get crushed by the giant rolling boulder.



NEXT: Portman's Last Visit, Summer 2001
BACK: Assorted Summer Comics 2001

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