10.2.01 ...Another Cavalier Daily comics war. I'll show my strips and the ones that directly involved me, but you can check the entire war out at the Coach Random website.

10.3.01 ...Quack-Quack and Hoppy the Frog are part of the same group of toys that Squeak-Squeak and Mr. Lizard are based on. Meanwhile, Blank Slate and Dangerzone mention Second Nature...

10.4.01 ...While the new character falls down, Drool attacks all of the older comics.

10.5.01 ...Cameron and Popsy talk with the Crazy Eskimo while Coach Random uses the falling box to further its war with rival comic Paradigm Shift.

10.8.01 ...Drool used to imitate the popular website Exploding Dog, but later modified its format.

10.9.01 ...Permanent Tanooki gets a visit while Dangerzone prepares traps for Popsy.

10.10.01 ...James Zehmer from Sketchy lets the Second Nature crew into a frat party; Coach Random continues having fun with the box.

10.11.01 ...By this point I was starting to get tired of the comics war, so I combined Blank Slate and Dangerzone together to hurry the storyline along.




NEXT: Treasure Hunt, Fall 2001
BACK: The U2 Controversy, Summer 2001

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