10.30.01 - 11.2.02 ...Things have always seemed unexplained in the comic, like why Cameron can talk with nature. During this last year, there are several hints at some sort of explanation.

 The "thank you" pumpkin in the first panel is for the P.U.M.P.K.I.N secret society at UVA. On halloween night I got a sketchy phone call asking to meet someone outside of my house. When I went outside, I saw about 15 people in black robes and masks marching in succession down my street! They created a semi-circle around me and chanted "Mr. Werner" in high-pitched goblin voices. I was handed a lit pumpkin with a gothic "P" carved into it and an envelope. Then they yelled something and scattered off. Every halloween the P.U.M.P.K.I.N society awards about ten individuals who give back to the University but aren't generally recognized publicly for it. It's the only award I ever received in college for anything, so it meant a lot to me. Thanks, whoever you are!
 11.27.01 - 11.28.02
