![]() 1.20.99 ...These first five comics are the ones submitted to the Cavalier Daily in late 1998 (I came in along with "Captain Justice And The Bear"). In retrospect, the drawings are simple and the dialogue is choppy. It's incredible to see how much the characters have changed since this initial offering. Nevertheless, this is how the story started, with a cup of hot chocolate. 1.21.99 1.22.99 1.25.99 ...Physics: How Things Work...great class. 2.10.99 2.11.99 2.12.99 ...Another random but funny student-drawn strip called "Pac Man Fever" began poking fun at all the other comics but none fought back...until they messed with me (in their February 10th comic). Because I had already drawn all of the winter comics, there wasn't much incentive for me to fight back...but I liked how it turned out. 2.15.99 ...This is only the beginning of Billy Witherspoon's many days of torment. 2.16.99 2.17.99 2.18.99 2.19.99 2.22.99 2.23.99 2.24.99 2.25.99 2.26.99 ...The first time I appeared in the "Letters To The Editor" was when I was called a racist...twice. I drew a charicature of the late Notorious BIG for an editorial cartoon but it was scanned in too dark and seemed like I had drawn in the degrading "blackface" style. I didn't mean to offend anybody and I felt terrible after reading those letters because they accused me of underlying prejudices that simply weren't true. I was half-expecting those same people to accuse Frigid eating chocolate of somehow being racist as well. 3.1.99 3.2.99 ...this one was fun to draw; I used a big upside down salad bowl for the curves. 3.3.99 ...You know, Jack Frost? That Michael Keaton movie where he dies and comes back to life as a snowman because his kid plays a magic harmonica? Yeah, I didn't see it either. 3.4.99 3.5.99 3.8.99 3.9.99 ...so that's what happens to them... 3.10.99 ...This was the first in what became a seasonal tradition, where one character sings a long song with rhyming lyrics. 3.11.99 ...I hadn't made it clear that the characters change every season, so some people were confused by this last comic before Spring Break. Most Second Nature readers are usually confused anyway, so I guess it was okay. |
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