9.11.00 ...Rodney Kiyama embodies a constant desire to change things, so he's a fun character to write for. This Rodney looks nothing like the Rodney of Fall 1999, but I figure no one is gonna write home about it. Rodney Kiyama is a pseudonym I use whenever I do computer things, just to distance myself from computer nerdiness. His name comes from a similar-looking character in an old Nintendo promotional video. And if that's not enough useless Rodney Kiyama facts for you, get this...originally Rodney and Portman were going to be revealed as the same person (both have called Cameron "Camerooni").




9.15.00 ...some days I feel limited by panels, but every once in a while I mess around with them.

9.18.00 ...Kabahushi's comeback was unexpected and I think a lot of people were surprised to see he was alive. He was one of the most well-liked characters anyway.

9.19.00 ...Jinsoo is actually not an evil cricket, but one of my good friends from college.





9.26.00 ..."Dancin' Wookie" is a reference to Shallow Grave and "Bear" is a reference to Captain Justice and the Bear, both former Cavalier Daily comics. Archie used to run in the Cav Daily too (unfortunately).




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