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![]() | Jeff Chin I am honored to be part of the Okay Samurai family, and thankful that the guys gave me a chance to rock out in a band during college. I knew Dave, Andrew, don and Eugene from high school and frequented Second Nature concerts. Little did I know that many years after they formed that I would be called to take over bass duties. As the legendary story goes, I actually did not want to play bass for them, but cracked when the guys said that they would buy me a bass. That very same day after my daily after-work nap, I woke up to find a bass on my couch in my room and a note saying "...start practicing, our first gig is in a month." Thrown to the fire, I made my OKS debut playing bass at UVA's Dance Marathon. Although I played bass primarily, I also got to show off some of my guitar-skillz on a couple songs. Currently I have my own website, jeffchin.com, where I write CD and movie reviews, post pictures, and all the stuff that I don't want to clutter okaysamurai.com with. I update it quite often during work at America Online, Inc. in Dulles, VA, and from home in Arlington, VA. For me, this has turned into more than a website, and have been pursuing opportunities to write freelance CD reviews for local publications such as OnTap (ontaponline.com), and Delusions of Adequacy (adequacy.net). Other accolades include: Mariokart battle mode Co-champion with Don and self-proclaimed world champion in Mariokart race-mode on Super Nintendo. |
![]() | Eric Espiritu Eric is pursuing rockstar dreams in Boston, Massachusetts after recently graduating from the Berklee school of music. His latest band is called the Teenage Symphonies. (personal bio coming soon) |
![]() | Mike Ferenczy Dave asked me to write a short bio about myself (an autobiography? I'm not that important, but oh well...). He also said, "use the first-person in your own voice and style." He needs to learn not to give some people free license like that... This'll larn 'im. I was born in Scotland by C-section, which later in life gave me the ability to kill Macbeth. No wait, that's not it. I was born in a log cabin, read books by candlelight, and was killed by John Wilkes Booth. Nope, not it either. Wait, one last try. I was born in Buffalo, and lived my in Hamburg, New York for my first 18 years. In the fourth grade I chose to play drums, much to my mother's chagrin. She wanted a pianist. Lucky for me I chose drums, because musical notes are lost on me, although rhythms work out just fine. I played in the jazz band in high school, and I was a band nerd, although in a school where 20% of the people are in the band, including the quarterback of the football team, the captain of the baseball team and the head cheerleader, the band was not considered particularly nerdy, although there were quite a few nerds. Anyway, I lived with my aunt in Switzerland for a year after high school, primarily to learn German and meet Swiss girls. I also played in a funk band there. After that college at Tufts University in Medford Massachusetts. I didn't play the drums for three years, preferring instead to focus on my majors of chemical engineering and biotechnology, and trying to work enough to afford books. My senior year I played drums for the musical Zombie Prom, which is a damn funny musical. After graduating in 2002 I joined Teach for America moved to Baltimore to teach the young kids science, and I lived with Dave. We both taught middle school, played a lot of Monkey Balls 2 and rocked out in Dave's room, which had more sound equipment than the trunk of a Wutang Killer Bee's Hooptie. The highlight of Dave and my playing came when we won the battle of the bands in the metal bar the "Brass Monkey." Just Dave on guitar and me on drums. That was a fun night. Anyway, Dave moved on to bigger and better things at Portfolio Center, and I'm spending my time teaching. I just finished my applications to various molecular biology Ph.D. programs, and if any professors read this, you should know that I am the man at research, and I will get Dave to play a private concert for you if you let me in, replete with Dave's gyrations. So that's the story. If you want to read more of my random stream of consciousness ramblings, check the posts about once every three months. |
![]() | Eugene Jung I'm the Baby, gotta love me... thank you. |
![]() | Jeff Ma Jeff is in Atlanta, Georgia at Portfolio Center. He is also Dave's musical manager and is starting up his own website soon. (personal bio coming soon) |
![]() | Don Simpson I'm currently working for the Federal Government as an IT Auditor with the General Services Administration (GSA) Office of Inspector General (OIG), in Crystal City and live nearby in North Arlington. I plan to switch over to the private sector and continue in the security field, while pursuing clearances and a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification. I graduated with a BS from James Madison University in May 2002 with an Integrated Science and Technology major and a Telecommunications concentration. In Okay Samurai I used to be the lead guitarist, and after taking a brief hiatus from music, my new years resolution is to pick the guitar back up and start writing new songs. As a loyal and long-time friend of Dave and Andrew (12 years and counting) I'm already looking forward to retirement and starting Okay Samurai Recording Studios with Dave. Co-champion with Jeff of Mario Kart battle mode on Super Nintendo. I like long walks on the beach and sushi. Don't steal my stuff. |
![]() | Andrew Werner Andrew works for Systems Planning and Analysis (SPA) in Washington, DC. He is the smartest person and best drummer in the world. (personal bio coming soon) |
![]() | Dave Werner I'm studying creative design and art direction at the Portfolio Center for Graduate Studies in Atlanta, Georgia. It's a full-time two-year program, so I'll be here until Summer 2005. In Okay Samurai I used to be the lead singer, and am now pursuing solo acoustic rock in Atlanta. I was a Music and English major at The University of Virginia and was involved in the Dance Marathon charity event and drawing comics for the Cavalier Daily. Then I headed out to Baltimore, Maryland, and taught middle school Language Arts for a year through the Teach For America program. Now I'm in Atlanta and couldn't be happier - PC is a great school and I'm surrounded by extremely talented people. I guess I'm the CEO of the vast media empire known as Okay Samurai Multimedia. Please use the mailbox to email me any feedback or questions (yes, Eugene is single) you may have. Thanks for visiting our site. |
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